Remembering Abe

Dear Nina and dear Friends of Abe’s

I learnt about Abe’s death through your mail, Nina… Sadness,
yes, but still deeper a consoling joy remembering him dearly.
The last time I met Abe, he told me : Rudolf I have a symptom,
I am 80 something…
I feel I want to participate in your gathering that I cannot
attend since I am not in the US ; I want to share what cannot be
said but has to be said since Abe was, is, and will always be the
manifestation of what is the innermost core of man as man, trans-
piring and effusing what warms the very heart of what we call
“the Human”,the “universal human” as my friend Barbara Marx-
Hubbard says, I mean that which coincides with that experience
which, in a human experience, may manifest the Divine.
I remember an interview that I made with Abe in his office on
‘Transference and Love’. It was meant to highlight the special
focus of gestalt in handling trans - ference. Martina was with us.
I said: Abe – I feel you as immortal, I feel we are sitting with
you like the disciples of Socrates trying to hold you back and
say stay always with us… but anyway, I know you will never die!
And, that’s why I write it: we somehow knew that this was right,
correct, scientifically true… and emotionally perceived – Martin
a started crying, out of love. The small office room was full of
that kind of pure love that all our hearts are yearning for.
In 2001 or 2002 I first met with Abe in the Wednesday morning
meeting, with these wonderful friends who I hope are attending
and maybe listening now… and he asked me : who are you and
what are you doing? I answered : My name is Rudolf and my work
right now is: not to know”.

When we all left, Abe said to me : Rudolf, normally people come
and pay me, I feel I have to pay you ! This beautiful statement
made to somebody who was as lost at that time as I was… was an
incredible piece of therapeutic art, touching something in me,
some self-confidence that needed urgent care. Abe invited me to
come to see him, unorthodoxly, as only a master in his art can
afford to offer, because I had no extra money to spend. Years
later he referred to these meetings discreetly and generously as
person - to - person’ meetings, which had been, to tell the truth,
pure and real gestalt therapy…! In one of these meetings which
were, of course, sessions, I felt that he somehow, if I may say so,
“engendered” me, that he actually spiritually “fathered” me, in a
way that I was not able to feel as the child of my biological father.
It is said to give tribute to Dr. Abraham Levitsky, one of the
humans who healingly co-created fellow-humans in a delicate, artful
and also playfully humorous way, with his jewish-jiddischly spiced
wisdom, with his sonorous generous voice, he the son of a syna-
gogue cantor...
These words want to give testimony to my felt conviction : Abe is
alive, he metamorphosed into what he will always be : an unborn,
immortal soul (atman), as said in Indian terms, who made a human
experience to help humans, as the Buddha and Jesus and many
sages advised us to do. I was one those who were fortunate to come
into his energetic field – that of Healing, Wisdom and Loving
Kindness. Thank you Abe ! Thank you Nina for remembering him and
heartful greetings to all the friends who are gathering around his
immortal energy.

Rudolf Schmitz-Perrin